"No doubt about it, the best consumer robots ever built came from Sony. But when the company pulled the plug on its robotics division more than a year ago, it left robot enthusiasts like me crying in their servos. Now comes word from Nikkei Business Online (and re reported elsewhere on robots blogs like WaziWazi), that Toyota is possibly buying Sony's shuttered robotics division. It's potentially great news, but I'm not exactly sure of what Sony will be getting. .."
Some Background Info...
- SONY AIBO website: http://support.sony-europe.com/aibo/index.asp
- Wikipedia article on AIBO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIBO
- AIBO-Life (for serious AIBO freaks:) http://www.aibo-life.org/
- "Sony puts Aibo to sleep" (and the sad news from CNET - (January, 2006) http://news.com.com/Sony+puts+Aibo+to+sleep/2100-1041_3-6031649.html
Check Out: "CLASSROOM ROBOTICS" (the book)http://www.infoagepub.com/products/content/978-1-59311-602-6.php
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