Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Learning about language through focusing on Coding

Learning about language through focusing on Coding

Learning Coding (a language that enables humans to communicate with and direct robots) can foster insights on English Language and its applications in inter-human communications! In other words, if students learn this new (additional language) of Coding can they understand English better by observing the rules, mechanics, conventions, applications, etc. of Coding?

This would be true of learning a foreign language. Learning French would give a fresh and differently contextualized set of insights into grammar, punctuation, etc.
One VERY simple activity for kids to do based on the above -  after having kids learn some Coding and apply it to a robot project they are working on, simply ask them to reflect and respond to a prompt like “What about the way you used Coding to communicate to your robot gives you an understanding about the way you speak to people when you are instructing them to do something?”

Dr. Rose Reissman (English Language Arts Coach at I.S. 63 - Ditmas Middle School – Brooklyn, NY) adds:

I would pose prompts like these:

-        As you learn the language and conventions of coding, share some mistakes you or your partners make at first with programming that causes your robot to not make the move or do the task you desire. 

Detail the exact coding mistakes you make the consequences for the robot moves or task completion.

-        In what ways do speakers of English or other languages also make "mistakes" in codes which result in actions or answers which do not communicate the information or achieve the action desired.

For example:

A contest in a school for a movie trip that was paid for by the students which promised "3 tickets" after the students wrote a review for the movie.

This was a code mistake by the school since there was only one paid by students chance to see the movie and so 3 free tickets to it would be useless. The intent was that writing a review would get the student blue positive behavior tickets that could be redeemed in the school reward store.

Find other examples of "mis-coded" school or store notices or outside signs and explain the coding mistakes and how the "code" can be corrected.

2. What "codes" play out or are used in friendship exchanges that indicate you've got a friend- List code exchange between you and a true friend that make little actual literal  sense but have meaning to you.  Some of these may have to do with where you come from- such as someone from Brooklyn NY will say:

I got your back-meaning I will defend and side with you
Busting your chops- meaning just arguing to argue for fun -not serious about it

3. Also if you are an ESL speaker, say from a Spanish speaking country-
How is the code of noun verb object different from English-
For example "I have 12 years” in Spanish is great code but in English correct to say "I am 12 years old."

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