Thursday, July 30, 2015

LocoRobo: Up and Coming Student Robotics Resource

I recently became aware of LocoRobo - Check  out its informational video (below)... seems to me that this group has made all the right moves to come up with a kid-friendly resource set that's guaranteed to capture young imaginations, generate excitement, and provide exactly the right learning opportunities. Classroom Robotics Blog will be reporting again on this most interesting and most promising resource as it moves forward!


LocoRobo - Master Programming Through Robotics from Loco Robo on Vimeo.

"Ever wondered what powers your flight tracking app? Ever wondered how you can record several TV shows at the same time? Ever wondered how NASA's MARS ROVER is able to beam back to earth breathtaking images of Martian landscape?

The answer is one word: Software. Software is what allows us humans to perform super-human tasks. And to write software, one needs to program.

LocoRobo's mission is to advance programming and robotics education for everyone by combining a world-class programing ecosystem with a high quality robot.

Checks us out on IndieGoGo -"

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